Friday, August 31, 2012

TIC Theory: This is China!

Many people invented a theory named TIC: This Is China. They are unable to understand the present China as it seems there are lots of illogical events. So they find TIC theory as a cover: it is hard to understand because This Is China. TIC!

Well, actually, China is not so difficult to understand. What happens in China nowadays almost have appeared repeatedly in the history. They are not unique, or weird. Almost everything happening nowadays in China, you can find corresponding examples in ancient China's history. Is that strange? No, of course not. China, unfortunately polluted by tyranny tradition and Marxism doubly, is not an exception as to the civilization world.

So, next time remember not to say "Vow, I really don't understand what happened and maybe because This Is China", just say "Well, I got it as This Is China".

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